Shapes tab

The Shapes tab allows you to adjust the height, width, and origin for the Logic Lock region's placement and routing.

Assignments Logic Lock Region Shapes

  • Placement Shape—Shows the dimensions and origin of the placement region, as described in the Quartus Prime Settings File (.qsf) Definition. The Fitter uses these constraints the next time you compile.
  • Routing Shape—Appears when the Routing Region is not Unconstrained. Shows the dimensions and origin of the placement region, as described in the .qsf file. The Fitter uses these constraints the next time you compile.
  • Routing type—Allows you to select the routing type for the routing region. Logic Lock regions support the following routing types:
    Table 1. Routing Region Options
    Option Description
    Unconstrained (default) Allows the fitter to use any available routes on the device.
    Whole Chip Same as Unconstrained, but writes the constraint in the .qsf file.
    Fixed with Expansion Follows the outline of the placement region. The routing region scales by a number of rows/cols larger than the placement region.
    Custom Allows you to make a custom shape routing region around the Logic Lock region. When you select the Custom option, the placement and routing regions move independently in the Chip Planner. In this case, move the placement and routing regions by selecting both using the Shift key.

Show Compilation Logic Lock Region Shapes

If you enable this option, the Shapes tab displays Placement Shape and Routing Shape defined in the last compilation.

The assignments and compilation settings differ when you refine the floorplan Definition by adjusting the Logic Lock regions and assignments.