ID:16198 The location assignment on the I/O primitive instance "<name>" specifies an exact pin location. This is not supported for the <family> family in the current version of the Quartus Prime software.

CAUSE: The design specifies an exact pin location assignment on the specified I/O primitive instance. This is not supported for the Stratix III, the Cyclone III and the Stratix IV families in the current version of the Quartus Prime software.However, it will be supported in a future version of the Quartus Prime software. For example, the following primitive instance makes an exact pin location assignment:
			ALT_INBUF inst1 (.i(in), .o(tmp_out)); 
			defparam inst1.location = "PIN_AG18"; 
This assignment is not supported in the current version of the Quartus Prime software. As a result, the Quartus Prime software issues this error message. However, the following instance makes an IOBANK location assignment.
			ALT_INBUF inst2 (.i(in), .o(tmp_out)); 
			defparam inst2.location = "IOBANK_1A"; 
This assignment is supported. Similarly, an EDGE location assignment like EDGE_TOP is also supported.

ACTION: Use the Assignment Editor to make an exact pin location assignment. Or, make IOBANK or EDGE location assignment on the I/O primitive instance.