End-of-Life (EOL) Announcement for the Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) Hardware Key “Intel SSD Only”


Product Codes & Spare Parts



The Intel SSD Only hardware key for Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) reached End of Life on November 6th, 2023. Users are recommended to use the Premium hardware key for Intel® VROC as a replacement.

For more details, including the last product discontinuance order and shipment dates, refer to the Product Change Notification (PCN).

Product Compatibility
The Intel® VROC hardware key Intel SSD Only will not be supported on platforms with the 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors and onwards. However, the Intel SSD Only hardware key will continue to be supported on platforms with the 3rd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors and prior platforms with the latest driver updates.


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