AN 936: Executing SDM Commands via JTAG Interface

ID 683313
Date 3/29/2021

1.4.1. Configuration Status Command

The sdm_config_status <device_index> command provides information about the device configuration state, the status of the various configuration pins, and the MSEL pin setting on your device. If you connected a single SDM device, the device index is an optional parameter. If you connected multiple SDM devices and your target device is other than the device #1, you must specify the device index.

The following examples are the expected output of executing the sdm_config_status function.

Identifying Successful Configuration using sdm_config_status

MSEL[2:0]      : 011 (AS   (Normal POR))

Configuration pin signals:
 nSTATUS       : 1
 nCONFIG       : 1
 CONF_DONE     : 1
 INIT_DONE     : 1
 CvP_DONE      : 0
 SEU_ERROR     : 0

MSEL[2:0] Table:
 3'b000 AvST x32
 3'b101 AvST x16
 3'b110 AvST x8
 3'b001 AS (Fast POR)
 3'b011 AS (Normal POR)
 3'b111 JTAG only

Identifying Failed Configuration using sdm_config_status


MSEL[2:0]      : 011 (AS   (Normal POR))

Configuration pin signals:
 nSTATUS       : 1
 nCONFIG       : 1
 CONF_DONE     : 0
 INIT_DONE     : 0
 CvP_DONE      : 0
 SEU_ERROR     : 0

MSEL[2:0] Table:
 3'b000 AvST x32
 3'b101 AvST x16
 3'b110 AvST x8
 3'b001 AS (Fast POR)
 3'b011 AS (Normal POR)
 3'b111 JTAG only

State          : 0xf0010040
Error location : 0x0000c400
Error detail   : 0x00000003

Configuration fail!
 Major code: 0xF001
 Bitstream error, usually due to unsigned bitstream used.

 Minor code: 0x0040
 Config clock PLL fail error detection, ensure OSC_CLK_1 clock source free running and stable.

You may need to provide the device_index argument for multiple detected devices. If you select device #1, the device_index is an optional argument with 1 as a default value. If you select a target device different from device #1, you must specify device_index argument. In this example, 1 is device #1 identified using the sdm_device_list command.

The example below shows the command with selected device #2.
%sdm_config_status 2
Note: For latest information about error codes updates, refer to the Mailbox Client Intel® FPGA IP User Guide.