Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683552
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents Post-Fit Signals

When you tap post-fit signals, you are connecting to actual atoms in the post-fit netlist. You can only tap signals that exist in the post-fit netlist, and existing routing resources must be available.

In the case of post-fit output signals, tap the COMBOUT or REGOUT signal that drives the IOE block. For post-fit input signals, signals driving into the core logic coincide with the pin's signal name.

Note: Because NOT-gate push back applies to any register that you tap, the signal from the atom may be inverted. You can check this by locating the signal in either the Resource Property Editor or the Technology Map Viewer. You can also use the Technology Map viewer and the Resource Property Editor to find post-fit node names.