Viterbi IP Core User Guide

ID 683280
Date 11/06/2017
Document Table of Contents

3.5.4. Avalon Source-ST Signals




Direction Description
decbit dat Output The decbit signal contains output bits when source_val is asserted.
source_eop eop Output End of packet (block) signal. if you select continuous optimization, this signal is left open and you must remove it from the testbench.
source_rdy ready Input Data transfer enable signal. The sink interface drives source_rdy and uses it to control the flow of data across the interface. ena behaves as a read enable from sink to source. When the source observes source_rdy asserted on the clk rising edge it drives, on the following clk rising edge, the Avalon-ST data interface signals and asserts source_val. The sink captures the data interface signals on the following clk rising edge. If the source is unable to provide new data, it deasserts source_val for one or more clock cycles until it is prepared to drive valid data interface signals.
source_sop sop Output Start of packet (block) signal. if you select continuous optimization, this signal is left open and you must remove it from the testbench.
source_val val Output Data valid signal. The IP core assers source_val high for one clock cycle, whenever there is a valid output on the decbit signal.
out_data data Output

In Qsys systems, this Avalon-ST-compliant data bus includes all the Avalon-ST output data and configuration signals. The signals are in the following order from MSB to LSB:

  • Numerr
  • BestAdd
  • BestMet
  • Normalizations
  • Decbit