Intel® Stratix® 10 Device Security User Guide

ID 683642
Date 7/14/2023
Document Table of Contents

2.1.3. Creating the Signature Chain Root Entry

Convert the root public key into a signature chain root entry, stored on the local file system in the Intel® Quartus® Prime key (.qky) format file, with the make_root operation.

Run the following command to create a signature chain with a root entry, using a root public key from the file system:
quartus_sign --family=stratix10 \
--operation=make_root root_public.pem root.qky
Run the following command to create a signature chain with a root entry, using the root key from the SoftHSM token established in the prior section:
quartus_sign --family=stratix10 --operation=make_root \
--module=softHSM --module_args="--token_label=s10-token \
--user_pin=s10-token-pin \
--hsm_lib=/usr/local/lib/softhsm/" root root.qky