Intel® Arria® 10 CvP Initialization and Partial Reconfiguration over PCI Express User Guide

ID 683871
Date 9/01/2020
Document Table of Contents

3.5. Bringing up the Hardware

Before testing the design in hardware, you must install Jungo WinDriver or CvP driver in your DUT system. You can also install RW Utilities or other system verification tools to monitor the link status of the Endpoint and to observe traffic on the link. You can download these utilities for free from many web sites.
Note: Intel® does not provide Jungo WinDriver as a part of Intel® Quartus® Prime install package starting with software version 19.1. You can develop your own custom CvP driver for Linux using the sample Linux driver source code provided by Intel® .
Note: The Linux driver provided by Intel® is not a production driver. You must adapt this driver to your design's strategy.
The test setup includes the following components:
  • Intel® Arria® 10 FPGA Development Kit
  • USB Blaster
  • A DUT PC with PCI Express slot to plug in the Intel® Arria® 10 FPGA Development Kit
  • A host PC running the Quartus Prime software to program the periphery image, .sof or .jic file
Although a separate host PC is not strictly necessary, it makes testing less cumbersome.