Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector User and Reference Guide

ID 767272
Date 3/31/2023
Document Table of Contents

Detailed Attributes of Collective Operation Events

Each possibly merged collective operation has a header entry which describes the collective operation as a whole. Use the plus button to get a detailed list of the same information per Process/Group. The exact processes or process groups shown depend on the current process aggregation.

This dialog box contains the following entries:

Entry: Description:
Name/Process On the per-operation row this column lists the name of the selected operation (Mixed if different operation types were merged). On per-process rows it shows the name of the Process/Group.
Duration Last Time minus First Time
First Time First time, one of the merged operations was entered.
Last Time Last time, one of the merged operations was left.
Volume Sent Number of bytes sent. It is the sum of all bytes sent on all merged operations for the per-process rows. The per-operation row sums up all per-process rows.
Volume Received Number of bytes received. It is the sum of all bytes received on all merged operations for the per-process rows. The per-operation row sums up all per-process rows.
Count Number of collective operations that are merged into the selection.
Root The root process.
Communicator Name The name of the MPI communicator on which the collective operation(s) was (were) executed.
Communicator ID The plain ID of the MPI communicator on which the collective operation(s) was (were) executed.