Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector User and Reference Guide

ID 767272
Date 3/31/2023
Document Table of Contents

Notational Conventions

The documentation is OS-independent. Linux* OS and Windows* OS may have different styles in passing parameters. This User and Reference Guide follows the nomenclature used on the Linux* OS. Here is a list of the most important differences and how they are mapped from the Linux* OS style to the Windows* OS one:

Linux* OS Microsoft* Windows* OS

The following conventions are used in this document:

Convention Explanation Example
This type style Document or product names The term process in this documentation implicitly includes thread.
This type style GUI elements Click OK
<this type 
Placeholders for actual values
This type style
Commands, arguments, options
$ mpirun -trace 
		 -n 4 myApp
Environment variables Set the VT_CONFIG environment variable to the directory that contains the configuration file.
[ items 
Optional items
[config options]
[ item 
		 | item ]
Selectable items separated by vertical bar(s)
Introduces UNIX* commands
$ ls
Introduces Windows* commands
> cd