Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector User and Reference Guide

ID 767272
Date 3/31/2023
Document Table of Contents

Install and Set Up Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector


Intel® VTune™ Profiler's Application Performance Snapshot provides overall performance characteristics of an MPI enabled application using a simple interface with faster time to results. VTune Profiler helps identify imbalances and communication issues on a single node. As a result, Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector will no longer be included in the Intel® HPC Toolkit. It continues to be downloadable as a standalone package and it will be discontinued in 2025 or later. Customers who have- purchased Intel® Priority Support will continue to receive support. Please see Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector deprecation article for more information.

You can install Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector with the CLI or GUI installer on Windows* or Linux* operating systems.

Install Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector

To install Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector, from the Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector web page choose the required installation mode:

  • To install as part of the Intel® HPC Toolkit and benefit from additional tools included into the toolkit (such as Intel compilers and Intel MPI library), click the Get It Now button.

    You will be redirected to the toolkit installation page where you need to specify your operating system and the required distribution type, for example, a specific package manager on Linux*. As soon as you make your selections, you will be prompted with further installation steps.

  • To install Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector as a standalone component, click the Download button and proceed to the page where you can select an offline or online installer for this product only.

Whether you installed Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector as a standalone component or with the Intel HPC Toolkit, the default path for your <install-dir> is:

  • Linux* OS: :

    • /opt/intel/oneapi/ for root users
    • $HOME/intel/oneapi/ for non-root users

  • Windows* OS::

    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\
    • C:\Program Files\Intel\oneAPI\ (in certain systems)


Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector does not support installation of multiple product versions, so the installation directory always contains a single version and a "latest" link pointing to that single version, for example:


|-- 2021.2.0

`-- latest -> 2021.2.0

Set Environment Variables

Before you start using any of the Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector functionality, make sure to set the necessary environment variables for the profiler and other required products (compilers and Intel MPI Library) using the setvars script:

Linux* OS: source <install-dir>/

Windows* OS: <install-dir>\setvars.bat

Compatibility with MPI Implementations

Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector is built with the Intel MPI Library, depends on certain MPI constants, and is generally compatible with all MPICH* derivatives. If you use a different MPI implementation or an old version of the supported one, you need to check its compatibility with Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector. Compile and run the check_compatibility.c program located at <install_dir>/examples:

Linux* OS

$ mpicc –o check_compatibility check_compatibility.c
$ mpirun -n 1 ./check_compatibility

Windows* OS

> mpicc check_compatibility.c
> mpiexec -n 1 check_compatibility.exe

The program outputs whether your MPI implementation is compatible with Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector.