Virtual JTAG Intel® FPGA IP Core User Guide

ID 683705
Date 8/12/2021
Document Table of Contents

Virtual IR/DR Shift Transaction without Returning Captured IR/DR Values

VIR shifts consist of a USER1 (0x0E) IR shift followed by a DR shift to the virtual Instruction Register. The DR Scan shift consists of the value passed by the - dr_value argument. The length and value of the DR shift is dependent on the number of SLD nodes in your design. This value consists of address bits to the SLD node instance concatenated with the desired value of the virtual Instruction Register. The addressing scheme is determined by the Intel® Quartus® Prime software during design compilation.

The Tcl command examples below show a VIR/VDR transaction with the no_captured_value option set. The commands return the underlying JTAG shift transactions that occur.

Virtual IR Shift with the no_captured_value Option

device_virtual_ir_shift -instance_index 0 -ir_value 1 \

-no_captured_ir_value -show_equivalent_device_ir_dr_shift


Info: Equivalent device ir and dr shift commands

Info: device_ir_shift -ir_value 14

Info: device_dr_shift -length 5 -dr_value 11 -value_in_hex

Virtual DR Shift with the no_captured_value Option

device_virtual_dr_shift -instance_index 0 -length 8 -dr_value \

04 -value_in_hex -no_captured_dr_value \



Info: Equivalent device ir and dr shift commands

Info: device_ir_shift -ir_value 12

Info: device_dr_shift -length 8 -dr_value 04 -value_in_hex

The VIR value field in the figure below is four bits long, even though the VIR length is configured to be three bits long, and shows the bit values and fields associated with the VIR/VDR scans. The Instruction Register length for all Intel® FPGAs and CPLDs is 10-bits long. The USER1 value is 0x0E and USER0 value is 0x0C for all Intel® FPGAs and CPLDs. The Address bits contained in the DR scan shift of a VIR scan are determined by the Intel® Quartus® Prime software.

All USER1 DR chains must be of uniform length. The length of the VIR value field length is determined by length of the longest VIR register for all SLD nodes instantiated in the design. Because the SLD hub VIR is four bits long, the minimum length for the VIR value field for all SLD nodes in the design is at least four bits in length. The Intel® Quartus® Prime Tcl API automatically sizes the shift transaction to the correct length. The length of the VIR register is provided in the Virtual JTAG settings compilation report. If you are driving the JTAG interface with a custom controller, you must pay attention to size of the USER1 DR chain.

Figure 11. Equivalent Bit Pattern Shifted into Device by VIR/VDR Shift Commands