Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition Simulation User Guide

ID 730191
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents Elaboration Stage - Simulation with IP

The msim_setup.tcl simulation script that Platform Designer generates includes the vsim elaboration command with all the logical library names for Quartus® Prime simulation libraries, and any other elaboration options or simulation models that specific Intel FPGA IP may require. You can use this elaboration command line as a reference to build your own elaboration command.

Alternatively, you can call the elaboration command in your own Tcl script. You can customize the script to elaborate your top-level testbench module, and pass in any additional elaboration options, as necessary. Refer to Passing In Custom Compilation and Elaboration Options.

Note: Some Intel FPGA IP may require additional elaboration options. While many of these options are already present the generated msim_setup.tcl, some of the options may only be in the Platform Designer generated top-level simulation script for the IP’s example design.