Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition Simulation User Guide

ID 730191
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents

1. Introduction to the Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition Simulator

Simulation is an essential step in the Quartus® Prime software design process that allows you to verify your design's behavior before configuring the FPGA device.

This document describes how to use the Intel provided Questa* Intel FPGA simulators to simulate a design that targets an Intel FPGA device. Intel provides two different versions of the Questa* Intel FPGA simulator:

  • Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition
  • Questa Intel FPGA Starter Edition

The two simulators are different in terms of performance, but are identical in features and usage, as described later. Going forward, this document uses the name Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition to refer to both simulators, unless otherwise noted.

This document organizes information into the following chapters:

  1. This introductory chapter describes simulator version support and enablement, as Simulator Versions and Licensing describes.
  2. FPGA Simulation Basics—explains fundamental aspects of Intel FPGA design simulation for any supported simulator.
  3. Simulating with Questa Intel FPGA Edition—steps through RTL and gate-level simulation using the Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition simulator.