External Memory Interfaces Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series FPGA IP User Guide

ID 772538
Date 4/03/2023

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8.1.2. Intel Agilex 7 M-Series FPGA External Memory Interfaces (EMIF) IP Parameter Descriptions for LPDDR5

The following topics describe the parameters available on each tab of the IP parameter editor, which you can use to configure your IP. Each parameter with an adjacent checkbox can be auto-computed. The checkbox to the left of the parameter controls whether its value is auto-computed (true) or set manually (false). If there is no checkbox to the left of a parameter, then it must be set manually.
Table 97.  Group: General IP Parameters / High-Level Parameters
Display Name Description
Technology Generation

Denotes the specific memory technology generation to be used

(Identifier: MEM_TECHNOLOGY)

Memory Format

Specifies the packaging format of the memory device

(Identifier: MEM_FORMAT)

Memory Device Topology

Topology used by memory device

(Identifier: MEM_TOPOLOGY)

Memory Ranks

Total number of physical ranks in the interface

(Identifier: MEM_NUM_RANKS)

Number of Channels Number of channels. (Identifier: MEM_NUM_CHANNELS)
Device DQ Width

If the interface is composed of discrete components: Specifies the DQ width of each discrete component.


Number of components per rank

Number of components per rank.

(Identifier: MEM_COMPS_PER_RANK)

ECC Mode

Specifies the type of ECC (if any). (Identifier: CTRL_ECC_MODE)

Total DQ Width

(Derived Parameter) This will be the width (in bits) of the mem_dq port on the memory interface.

For a component interface, it is calculated based on: (MEM_COMPS_PER_RANK * MEM_DEVICE_DQ_WIDTH + 8 bits if AXI4 User Data is enabled in fabric modes, or 4 bits if AXI4 User Data is enabled in NoC mode)) * MEM_NUM_CHANNELS

(Identifier: MEM_TOTAL_DQ_WIDTH)

Memory Clock Frequency for Frequency Set Point 0

Specifies the FSP0 operating frequency of the memory interface in MHz. If you change the memory frequency, you should update the memory latency parameters on the Memory tab and the memory timing parameters on the Mem Timing tab.

Note: This parameter can be auto-computed.


Instance ID

Instance ID of the EMIF IP. EMIF in the same bank, or connected to related user logic (e.g. to the same INIU), should have unique IDs in order to distinguish them when using the side-band interface. Valid values are 0-6. (Identifier: INSTANCE_ID)

Table 98.  Group: General IP Parameters / Memory Device Preset Selection
Display Name Description
Use Memory Device Preset from file

Specifies whether MEM_PRESET_ID will be a value from Quartus (if false), or a value from a custom preset file path (if true)

(Identifier: MEM_PRESET_FILE_EN)

Memory Preset Custom File Path Path to a .qprs file on the users disk (Identifier: MEM_PRESET_FILE_QPRS)
Memory Preset

The name of a preset that the user would like to load, describing the memory device that this emif will be targeting.

(Identifier: MEM_PRESET_ID)

Table 99.  Group: General IP Parameters / Advanced Parameters / PHY / Topology
Display Name Description

Specifies whether we are using the NOC or bypassing it

(Identifier: PHY_NOC_EN)

Asynchronous Enable

Specifies whether the user logic is clocked based on the clock provided by the IP (Sync), or by a separate user clock (Async). If true - async mode is used, if false - sync mode is used. (Identifier: PHY_ASYNC_EN)

AC Placement

Indicates location on the device where the interface will reside (specifically, the location of the AC lanes in terms IO BANK and TOP vs BOT part of the IO BANK). Legal ranges are derived from device floorplan. By default (value=AUTO), the most optimal location is selected (to maximize available frequency and data width).

Note: This parameter can be auto-computed.

(Identifier: PHY_AC_PLACEMENT)

PLL Reference Clock Frequency

Specifies what PLL reference clock frequency the user will supply. It is recommended to use the fastest possible PLL reference clock frequency because it leads to better jitter performance.

Note: This parameter can be auto-computed.


Table 100.  Group: General IP Parameters / Advanced Parameters / Analog Properties / Termination (FPGA-side)
Display Name Description
Host Address/Command Output Drive Strength

This parameter allows you to change the output on chip termination settings for the selected I/O standard on the Address/Command Pins. Perform board simulation with IBIS models to determine the best settings for your design.

Note: This parameter can be auto-computed.

(Identifier: R_S_FPGA_AC_OUTPUT_OHM)

Host PLL Reference Clock Input Termination

This parameter allows you to change the input on chip termination settings for the selected I/O standard on the CK Pins. Perform board simulation with IBIS models to determine the best settings for your design.

Note: This parameter can be auto-computed.


Host CK Output Drive Strength

This parameter allows you to change the output on chip termination settings for the selected I/O standard on the CK Pins. Perform board simulation with IBIS models to determine the best settings for your design.

Note: This parameter can be auto-computed.

(Identifier: R_S_FPGA_CK_OUTPUT_OHM)

Host DQ Input Termination

This parameter allows you to change the input on chip termination settings for the selected I/O standard on the DQ Pins. Perform board simulation with IBIS models to determine the best settings for your design.

Note: This parameter can be auto-computed.

(Identifier: R_T_FPGA_DQ_INPUT_OHM)

Host DQ Output Drive Strength

This parameter allows you to change the output on chip termination settings for the selected I/O standard on the DQ Pins. Perform board simulation with IBIS models to determine the best settings for your design.

Note: This parameter can be auto-computed.

(Identifier: R_S_FPGA_DQ_OUTPUT_OHM)

Table 101.  Group: General IP Parameters / Advanced Parameters / AXI Settings / AXI Interface Settings
Display Name Description
AXI-Lite Port Access Mode

Specifies whether the AXI-Lite port is connected to the fabric, the NOC, or disabled

Note: This parameter can be auto-computed.


Table 102.  Group: General IP Parameters / Advanced Parameters / Advanced Parameters / Additional String Parameters
Display Name Description
User Extra Parameters Semi-colon separated list of key/value pairs of extra parameters. (Identifier: USER_EXTRA_PARAMETERS)
Table 103.  Group: Example Design / Example Design
Display Name Description
HDL Selection

This option lets you choose the format of HDL in which generated simulation and synthesis files are created. You can select either Verilog or VHDL.



Generate Synthesis Example Design



Generate Simulation Example Design

(Identifier: EX_DESIGN_GEN_SIM)

NOC Refclk Freq

NOC Refclk Freq for the NOC control IP

Note: This parameter can be auto-computed.


Hydra Remote Access

Specifies whether the Hydra control and status registers are accessible via JTAG, exported to the fabric, or just disabled