Intel® Arria® 10 SoC UEFI Boot Loader User Guide

ID 683536
Date 12/15/2017
Document Table of Contents Booting Linux* from the PEI Phase Automatically

This task describes how to enable booting of Linux* from the PEI phase automatically.

  1. Use your preferred editor to open the <your_uefi_socfpga>/uefi-socfpga/AlteraPlatformPkg/Arria10SoCPkg/Arria10SoCPkg.dsc file.
  2. To boot the Linux* zImage stored on an SD card or in QSPI flash right after the UEFI PEI phase initialization, configure the gAlteraSocFpgaTokenSpaceGuid.PcdBoot_LOAD_ZIMAGE_AT_PEI_PHASE value to 1.
  3. Configure the gAlteraSocFpgaTokenSpaceGuid.PcdBoot_LOAD_UEFI_DXE_PHASE value to 0.
  4. Recompile the source code and update the SD card image with the modified PEI.ROM for the changes to take effect.
  5. Power cycle the board and observe the following output messages on your serial terminal program:
    Figure 79. Serial Terminal Output Message