Intel® Arria® 10 SoC UEFI Boot Loader User Guide

ID 683536
Date 12/15/2017
Document Table of Contents Compiling the UEFI Source Code with the Updated QSPI Device Tree Blob

This task describes how to re-compile the UEFI source code using the updated device tree blob (DTB) generated for the QSPI booting with the Linaro* toolchain.

  1. Open a Terminal window and enter the following command:
    $ cd <your_uefi_directory>/uefi-socfpga
  2. Compile the UEFI boot loader for Intel® Arria® 10 SoC FPGA device using the following command. This build process takes less than three minutes.
    $ make DEVICE=a10 COMPILER=gcc HANDOFF_DTB=[QSPI bootloader DTB file path]
    An example of a [QSPI boot loader DTB file path] is:
    Once the build completes, the following completion information highlighted by the orange text box appears:
    Figure 59.  make Completion
    These steps generate four files in your <your_uefi_directory>/uefi-socfpga/Build/ folder:
    • DXE.ROM
    • load_uefi_fw.ds
    • PEI.256
    • PEI.ROM