Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 9/26/2022

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4.4.4. Adding Generic HLS Components

High Level Synthesis (HLS) files can be compiled to create Platform Designer components and are written according to the i++ specification. HLS files can be in *.c,*.cc,*.cpp,*.c++,*.cp, or *.cxx format.
Note: Only the Linux software edition supports generic HLS components.
An HLS file defines one or more components in an i++ format that Platform Designer compiles into HDL. In order to add components from an HLS file there are two basic steps:
  1. Identify and add the HLS file.
  2. Import an already compiled file from a previous Platform Designer session or project, or Compile the HLS file in Platform Designer.

Once the component has been imported or compiled, Platform Designer performs the following actions:

  • Imports an .ip resulting from the HLS compilation to the component name defined in the HLS file.
  • Sets the HDL entity name and HDL compilation library to the component defined in the HLS file.
  • Adds the .ip file to the empty generic component.
  • Adds paths to the .ip and _hw.tcl output files to the Platform Designer search path to enable instantiation.
  • Populates the signals and interfaces of the component from the .ip file.

After compilation, the HLS compiler creates a <component_name>.prj folder with the following directories:

Table 37.  Contents of <component_name>.prj Folder
Folder Description
/component Contains IP and _hw.tcl files.
/quartus Contains Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition project files that instantiate the HLS component. You can use this to verify timing and logic usage.
/reports Contains a compilation report in HTML.
/verification Contains verification files, if you decided to create a verification executable.