Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 9/26/2022

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7.4. Avalon® Data Pattern Generator and Checker Intel® FPGA IP

You can use the Avalon® Data Pattern Generator IP to insert different error conditions, and then use the Avalon® Data Pattern Checker IP to report these error conditions to the control interface, via an Avalon® Memory-Mapped agent.

Similarly, for Avalon® streaming interfaces, Avalon® Data Pattern Generator IP generates data, and sends the data out on an Avalon® streaming data interface. The Avalon® Data Pattern Checker IP verifies the data. Optionally, you can format the data as packets, with accompanying start_of_packet and end_of_packet signals.

The Throttle Seed is the starting value for the throttle control random number generator. Intel recommends a unique value for each instance of the data pattern generator and checker IP cores in a system.